from import (
Can someone elaborate on the modules
How to use this dialects ( can one give some example code for below)
AddEintIntOp’, ‘AddEintOp’, ‘ApplyLookupTableEintOp’, ‘BoolAndOp’, ‘BoolNandOp’, ‘BoolNotOp’, ‘BoolOrOp’, ‘BoolXorOp’, . These operations are available under concrete lang dialects in the file
Hi @Laser_beam,
Here is how to use those to generate MLIR:
import numpy as np
from typing import Tuple
import concrete.lang
from concrete.lang.dialects import fhe, fhelinalg
from concrete.lang.dialects.fhe import EncryptedIntegerType, EncryptedSignedIntegerType
import mlir
from mlir.dialects import arith, func, tensor
from import *
class DType:
context: Context
def __init__(self, context: Context):
self.context = context
def i(self, width: int) -> Type:
return IntegerType.get_signless(width)
def eint(self, width: int) -> Type:
return EncryptedIntegerType.get(self.context, width)
def esint(self, width: int) -> Type:
return EncryptedSignedIntegerType.get(self.context, width)
def index(self) -> Type:
return IndexType.parse("index")
def tensor(self, dtype: Type, shape: Tuple[int, ...]) -> Type:
return RankedTensorType.get(shape, dtype)
def define(dtype):
def attribute(dtype, value) -> Attribute:
if isinstance(value, (list, np.ndarray)):
value = value if isinstance(value, list) else value.tolist()
return Attribute.parse(f"dense<{value}> : {dtype}")
return Attribute.parse(f"{value} : {dtype}")
def add_eint_int(dtype, lhs, rhs) -> OpResult:
return fhe.AddEintIntOp(dtype, lhs, rhs)
def constant(dtype, value) -> OpResult:
return arith.ConstantOp(dtype, attribute(dtype, value))
parameters = [dtype.eint(8)]
def main(a1):
t1 = constant(dtype.i(9), 42)
t2 = add_eint_int(dtype.eint(8), a1, t1)
return t2
return parameters, main
with Context() as context, Location.unknown():
module = Module.create()
with InsertionPoint(module.body):
dtype = DType(context)
parameters, function = define(dtype)
def main(*args):
return function(*args)
Keep in mind that these are internal objects and they are subject to change at any moment 
Hope this helps!
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Thankyou @umutsahin if you or anyone could explain a bit on what is context,module,location,insertion module
Those are internal LLVM objects.
LLVM is a huge project and we can’t explain everything. Please refer to LLVM and MLIR documentation if you want to learn about these things.
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