Feature questions about fhEVM

I am reaching out to discuss the feasibility of implementing specific privacy-focused features within our wallet using Zama’s Fully Homomorphic Encryption Ethereum Virtual Machine (fhEVM). We are currently working on integrating advanced privacy mechanisms that will allow users to manage their encrypted data more effectively.
The two key features we want to develop are:
:one: Privacy Control Panel (Privacy Dashboard):
A user interface where users can define the privacy level of their transactions (e.g., Hidden, Private, Public).
A system that allows users to selectively reveal transaction data to authorized smart contracts.
Integration with fhEVM’s euint data type to ensure encrypted storage of user settings.
:two: “Reveal Encryption” Button (“Decrypt Transaction” Feature):
A mechanism allowing users to decrypt their own transactions on the client-side without exposing data on-chain.
The ability for users to view transaction details that are initially stored as encrypted (euint format) in smart contracts.
Implementation using fhEVM’s decryption functionalities combined with Web3-based front-end execution.
We would like to know:
:white_check_mark: Is it currently possible to implement these features using Zama’s fhEVM?
:white_check_mark: Does fhEVM support client-side decryption for users to selectively reveal their data?
:white_check_mark: Are there any recommended best practices for handling encrypted transaction histories while maintaining privacy?
I appreciate your time and insights, and I would be happy to discuss further technical details if necessary.

Looking forward to your response. We are also trying to use zama explorer so that we can run tests but it is not accessible why?

Hello, yes it should be doable! I recommend you to have a look to Access Control List | fhEVM to see how to give decryption rights to the right person / smart contract. And having a look to examples or previous fhEVM bounties should help you a lot. Cheers

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Thank you for your answer. There was a screen where we did this kind of tests on Zama https ://dapps.zama.ai/ but I think it is not working anymore and I can’t start the Zama network, what is the reason?

Hey there,

https ://dapps.zama.ai/ - is under construction and zama’s devnet is also not being maintained, in favor of the coprocessor on Sepolia tesnet, which will further down the line allow for confidebtial transactions on Ethereum and other L2 chains :smile:

We are also actively creatimg dApps to showcase fhEVM functionality as we speak.
Till then perhaps you can try developing something yourself by using
GitHub - zama-ai/fhevm-react-template the react template and GitHub - zama-ai/fhevm-hardhat-template: fhEVM hardhat template the hardhat template.

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Regarding your questions
Yes, yes and yes best resources for these kind of things are in the fhevm docs :slightly_smiling_face:
We tried to be beginner friendly while quite exhaustive in them so if you don’t understand something feel free to ask.