Hi Zama,
I am a PhD student working on cryptography. For one of my research projects, I am using FHE as one of the building blocks in a larger protocol. I am implementing our protocol using ConcreteML and need to write a Zero-Knowledge (ZK) proof for some relation about a homomorphically evaluated ciphertext. The ZK prover’s witness in my system is the (message, randomness) tuple underlying the homomorphically evaluated ciphertext. I want to know is there a way for the prover to access the randomness here? A natural way to do this could be as follows: 1. the prover (encrypter) choose the randomness on its own and encrypt with respect to it. 2. Since homomorphic evaluation is a deterministic process, the prover can compute how the original randomness must have been modified in the evaluated ciphertext. In ConcreteML or TFHE-rs, is there a way I can track randomness in steps 1 and 2 above?