August 31, 2023, 2:19pm
I was trying to set up concrete-python on a new computer, and was then trying to run some piece of code that I had from another computer. The compile time is veeeery slow for integers larger than 100, while on my older computer this was not any problem.
I wonder if there is some difference in the python implementation I am not aware of? It seems very strange that the exact same code have dramatic differences in compile and runtime. Small numbers seems not to be any trouble.
August 31, 2023, 2:24pm
Are you using the same version on both computers? what is the size in bits of your integers?
August 31, 2023, 2:36pm
I think the version should be the same. Just downloaded the package via pip, that is why I am confused
The size of the integers are around 10 bits.
August 31, 2023, 2:39pm
Just to be sure, could you try pip freeze
in both environments to check version.
Could you also describe both computers HW?
August 31, 2023, 2:54pm
The version is 1.0.0 on the one machine, a old hp laptop, while it is 2.2.0 on the other, a newer hp laptop… I now realized…
August 31, 2023, 2:57pm
It still strange, I would have preferred a speedup
Could you share a piece of code so that we could see what could lead to such a difference?
FYI, I made a similar post about slow compile times, and got some useful tips. Try taking a look here in the meantime.
Hi @lfolkerts ,
You have an O(n^2) algorithm and loops are unrolled. So lots and lots of operations are created for this circuit, which takes a lot of time to compile.
We’re aware of the issue, and it’s one of our goals to support loops efficiently in the near future!
As for your questions:
Is there any tips/tricks to speed up compilation time for my function?
You can try to tensorize the program!
def compare2(args, ranks):
for i in range(args.size - 1):
dist = (args[i] > arg…
September 6, 2023, 8:34am
Thanks for the answer. However, I think there is some issue with the computer here that causes this. It worked on yet another computer that I tested…
Thanks for all help
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