I’m having problems in deploying simple contracts via Remix on the Zama Devnet using the trivial encryption.
As the operation is called in the constructor, the deployment does not work.
Is it possibile that something is going wrong with trivial encryption?
I tried with this simple smart contract and a revert error came out:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.24;
import "fhevm/lib/TFHE.sol";
import {SepoliaZamaFHEVMConfig} from "fhevm/config/ZamaFHEVMConfig.sol";
contract SustainabilityIndex is SepoliaZamaFHEVMConfig{
euint32 internal x;
x = TFHE.asEuint32(0);
function setValue(uint32 _value) public {
Than you in advance.