This is from the iteration (n_bits=4) the jupyter kernel crashed:
Computation Graph
%0 = _inp_1 # EncryptedTensor<uint3, shape=(1, 1, 28, 28)> ∈ [0, 7]
%1 = [[[[ 0 0 ... 2 -2]]]] # ClearTensor<int4, shape=(3, 1, 5, 5)> ∈ [-7, 7] @ /1/Conv.conv
%2 = conv2d(%0, %1, [0 0 0], pads=[0, 0, 0, 0], strides=(1, 1), dilations=(1, 1), group=1) # EncryptedTensor<int10, shape=(1, 3, 24, 24)> ∈ [-231, 300] @ /1/Conv.conv
%3 = subgraph(%2) # EncryptedTensor<uint4, shape=(1, 3, 24, 24)> ∈ [0, 15]
%4 = [[[[1 1] ... [1 1]]]] # ClearTensor<uint1, shape=(3, 3, 2, 2)> ∈ [0, 1] @ /3/AveragePool.avgpool
%5 = conv2d(%3, %4, [0 0 0], pads=[0, 0, 0, 0], strides=(2, 2), dilations=(1, 1), group=1) # EncryptedTensor<uint6, shape=(1, 3, 12, 12)> ∈ [0, 60] @ /3/AveragePool.avgpool
%6 = subgraph(%5) # EncryptedTensor<uint3, shape=(1, 3, 12, 12)> ∈ [0, 7]
%7 = reshape(%6, newshape=(1, 432)) # EncryptedTensor<uint3, shape=(1, 432)> ∈ [0, 7]
%8 = subgraph(%7) # EncryptedTensor<uint3, shape=(1, 432)> ∈ [0, 7]
%9 = [[ 0 0] [ ... ] [-3 3]] # ClearTensor<int4, shape=(432, 2)> ∈ [-6, 7] @ /7/Gemm.matmul
%10 = matmul(%8, %9) # EncryptedTensor<int11, shape=(1, 2)> ∈ [-583, 594] @ /7/Gemm.matmul
return %10
%3 = subgraph(%2):
%0 = input # EncryptedTensor<uint3, shape=(1, 3, 24, 24)> @ /1/Conv.conv
%1 = astype(%0, dtype=float64) # EncryptedTensor<float64, shape=(1, 3, 24, 24)>
%2 = 0 # ClearScalar<uint1>
%3 = add(%1, %2) # EncryptedTensor<float64, shape=(1, 3, 24, 24)>
%4 = [[[[0]] [[0]] [[0]]]] # ClearTensor<uint1, shape=(1, 3, 1, 1)>
%5 = subtract(%3, %4) # EncryptedTensor<float64, shape=(1, 3, 24, 24)>
%6 = 0.00508421244397636 # ClearScalar<float64>
%7 = multiply(%6, %5) # EncryptedTensor<float64, shape=(1, 3, 24, 24)>
%8 = [[[[ 6.755 ... 34e-01]]]] # ClearTensor<float32, shape=(1, 3, 1, 1)>
%9 = add(%7, %8) # EncryptedTensor<float64, shape=(1, 3, 24, 24)>
%10 = 0 # ClearScalar<uint1>
%11 = maximum(%9, %10) # EncryptedTensor<float64, shape=(1, 3, 24, 24)>
%12 = 0.03629405 # ClearScalar<float32>
%13 = divide(%11, %12) # EncryptedTensor<float64, shape=(1, 3, 24, 24)>
%14 = 0.0 # ClearScalar<float32>
%15 = add(%13, %14) # EncryptedTensor<float64, shape=(1, 3, 24, 24)>
%16 = 0.0 # ClearScalar<float64>
%17 = 15.0 # ClearScalar<float64>
%18 = clip(%15, %16, %17) # EncryptedTensor<float64, shape=(1, 3, 24, 24)>
%19 = rint(%18) # EncryptedTensor<float64, shape=(1, 3, 24, 24)>
%20 = 0.0 # ClearScalar<float32>
%21 = subtract(%19, %20) # EncryptedTensor<float64, shape=(1, 3, 24, 24)>
%22 = 0.03629405 # ClearScalar<float32>
%23 = multiply(%21, %22) # EncryptedTensor<float64, shape=(1, 3, 24, 24)>
%24 = 0.03629405051469803 # ClearScalar<float64>
%25 = divide(%23, %24) # EncryptedTensor<float64, shape=(1, 3, 24, 24)>
%26 = 0 # ClearScalar<uint1>
%27 = add(%25, %26) # EncryptedTensor<float64, shape=(1, 3, 24, 24)>
%28 = rint(%27) # EncryptedTensor<float64, shape=(1, 3, 24, 24)>
%29 = astype(%28, dtype=int_) # EncryptedTensor<uint1, shape=(1, 3, 24, 24)>
return %29
%6 = subgraph(%5):
%0 = input # EncryptedTensor<uint1, shape=(1, 3, 12, 12)> @ /3/AveragePool.avgpool
%1 = astype(%0, dtype=float64) # EncryptedTensor<float64, shape=(1, 3, 12, 12)>
%2 = 0.25 # ClearScalar<float64>
%3 = multiply(%1, %2) # EncryptedTensor<float64, shape=(1, 3, 12, 12)>
%4 = 0 # ClearScalar<uint1>
%5 = subtract(%3, %4) # EncryptedTensor<float64, shape=(1, 3, 12, 12)>
%6 = 0.03629405051469803 # ClearScalar<float64>
%7 = multiply(%5, %6) # EncryptedTensor<float64, shape=(1, 3, 12, 12)>
%8 = 0.07292149 # ClearScalar<float32>
%9 = divide(%7, %8) # EncryptedTensor<float64, shape=(1, 3, 12, 12)>
%10 = 0.0 # ClearScalar<float32>
%11 = add(%9, %10) # EncryptedTensor<float64, shape=(1, 3, 12, 12)>
%12 = -8.0 # ClearScalar<float64>
%13 = 7.0 # ClearScalar<float64>
%14 = clip(%11, %12, %13) # EncryptedTensor<float64, shape=(1, 3, 12, 12)>
%15 = rint(%14) # EncryptedTensor<float64, shape=(1, 3, 12, 12)>
%16 = 0.0 # ClearScalar<float32>
%17 = subtract(%15, %16) # EncryptedTensor<float64, shape=(1, 3, 12, 12)>
%18 = 0.07292149 # ClearScalar<float32>
%19 = multiply(%17, %18) # EncryptedTensor<float64, shape=(1, 3, 12, 12)>
%20 = 0.07292149215936661 # ClearScalar<float64>
%21 = divide(%19, %20) # EncryptedTensor<float64, shape=(1, 3, 12, 12)>
%22 = 0 # ClearScalar<uint1>
%23 = add(%21, %22) # EncryptedTensor<float64, shape=(1, 3, 12, 12)>
%24 = rint(%23) # EncryptedTensor<float64, shape=(1, 3, 12, 12)>
%25 = astype(%24, dtype=int_) # EncryptedTensor<uint1, shape=(1, 3, 12, 12)>
return %25
%8 = subgraph(%7):
%0 = input # EncryptedTensor<uint1, shape=(1, 432)>
%1 = 0.0 # ClearScalar<float64>
%2 = subtract(%0, %1) # EncryptedTensor<float64, shape=(1, 432)>
%3 = 0.07292149215936661 # ClearScalar<float64>
%4 = multiply(%3, %2) # EncryptedTensor<float64, shape=(1, 432)>
%5 = 0.0685318 # ClearScalar<float32>
%6 = divide(%4, %5) # EncryptedTensor<float64, shape=(1, 432)>
%7 = 0.0 # ClearScalar<float32>
%8 = add(%6, %7) # EncryptedTensor<float64, shape=(1, 432)>
%9 = -8.0 # ClearScalar<float64>
%10 = 7.0 # ClearScalar<float64>
%11 = clip(%8, %9, %10) # EncryptedTensor<float64, shape=(1, 432)>
%12 = rint(%11) # EncryptedTensor<float64, shape=(1, 432)>
%13 = 0.0 # ClearScalar<float32>
%14 = subtract(%12, %13) # EncryptedTensor<float64, shape=(1, 432)>
%15 = 0.0685318 # ClearScalar<float32>
%16 = multiply(%14, %15) # EncryptedTensor<float64, shape=(1, 432)>
%17 = 0.06853179633617401 # ClearScalar<float64>
%18 = divide(%16, %17) # EncryptedTensor<float64, shape=(1, 432)>
%19 = 0 # ClearScalar<uint1>
%20 = add(%18, %19) # EncryptedTensor<float64, shape=(1, 432)>
%21 = rint(%20) # EncryptedTensor<float64, shape=(1, 432)>
%22 = astype(%21, dtype=int_) # EncryptedTensor<uint1, shape=(1, 432)>
return %22
size_of_secret_keys: 1159152
size_of_bootstrap_keys: 10296742752
size_of_keyswitch_keys: 8957017848
size_of_inputs: 822089856
size_of_outputs: 32784
p_error: 8.985933003105681e-13
global_p_error: 2.1656695732876227e-09
complexity: 33817488916176.0
programmable_bootstrap_count: 2592
programmable_bootstrap_count_per_parameter: {
BootstrapKeyParam(polynomial_size=131072, glwe_dimension=1, input_lwe_dimension=1147, level=2, base_log=14, variance=4.70197740328915e-38): 1728
BootstrapKeyParam(polynomial_size=8192, glwe_dimension=1, input_lwe_dimension=1542, level=1, base_log=22, variance=4.70197740328915e-38): 432
BootstrapKeyParam(polynomial_size=1024, glwe_dimension=2, input_lwe_dimension=887, level=2, base_log=15, variance=9.940977002694397e-32): 432
key_switch_count: 2592
key_switch_count_per_parameter: {
KeyswitchKeyParam(level=6, base_log=4, variance=2.669736518019816e-17): 1728
KeyswitchKeyParam(level=1, base_log=19, variance=1.2611069970889797e-23): 432
KeyswitchKeyParam(level=2, base_log=7, variance=3.8925225717720396e-13): 432
packing_key_switch_count: 0
clear_addition_count: 1728
clear_addition_count_per_parameter: {
LweSecretKeyParam(dimension=131072): 1728
encrypted_addition_count: 49248
encrypted_addition_count_per_parameter: {
LweSecretKeyParam(dimension=131072): 48384
LweSecretKeyParam(dimension=2048): 864
clear_multiplication_count: 49248
clear_multiplication_count_per_parameter: {
LweSecretKeyParam(dimension=131072): 48384
LweSecretKeyParam(dimension=2048): 864
encrypted_negation_count: 0