Hi all,
May I know if there is circuit based function evaluation, for instance like in paper, where you have input encoded as bits in TRLWE ciphertext (with packing), then MUX gate act on ciphertext and cascade to form any function \mathbb{B}^n\rightarrow \mathbb{B}^m? I only see function evaluation by gate bootstrapping in TFHE-rs. This is required for efficient evaluation of function over large integers (e.g. 16 bits).
May I know if there is a way to convert
ciphertext to vector ofboolean
ones by extracting each bit? If so, how is the complexity? -
Is it true that there is absolutely no packing involved in
(i.e. LWE) and using logic gates is quite slow? I am not sure if I missed somethingone bool MUX takes ~50ms on my single thread R9-6950HS, even with rust optimization and release mode!
Your help would be greatly appreciated!