I have recently installed the Concrete ML software using Docker (via the instructions on this website). I want to set up a simple example (the logistic regression example) using the Docker Extension on VSCode. I have found the “zamafhe/concrete-ml:v0.2.0” Docker container on VSCode, however I am not sure how to run the example inside the container, and my search on the internet has not brought a solution so far.
For now I have created a new python file and copied the code over there. The problem right now is that I am not able to upload this python file to the Docker container, or locate it in the folder that it is in. Is it something to do with setting paths?
If I understand correctly, you did docker pull zamafhe/concrete-ml:v0.2.0 and you installed the docker extension to vscode. So now when you open the docker extension you can see the image.
Next step is to create a container from the image. You can do this with the following command:
docker run -d -p 8888:8888 --name concrete-ml zamafhe/concrete-ml:v0.2.0
Now you should see the new container “concrete-ml” appear in vscode in the docker extension. You can just right click on it and click on Attach Visual Studio Code. This will open a new window of vscode. On the left you should see two buttons: [Open Folder] and [Clone Repository].
I suggest you first simply click on [Clone Repository] and paste this https://github.com/zama-ai/concrete-ml.git. Once this is done you can click on [Open Folder] and go directly to where the examples are located in the project i.e. concrete-ml/docs/user/advanced_examples/.
At that point you should see all the example notebooks in the explorer. Notebooks are supported in vscode so I suggest you to open them in vscode (it will likely ask you to install some more extension/libs to be able to run them in vscode). If you want to use jupyter in your browser then you will have to launch a jupyter server with the jupyter notebook --allow-root command.