RuntimeError: unreachable

I used following javascript

const provider = new JsonRpcProvider(``);
    const FHE_LIB_ADDRESS = "0x000000000000000000000000000000000000005d";
    const network = await provider.getNetwork();
    const chainId = +network.chainId.toString();
    const ret = await{
      to: FHE_LIB_ADDRESS,
      data: "0xd9d47bb001",
    const decoded = AbiCoder.defaultAbiCoder().decode(["bytes"], ret);
    const publicKey = decoded[0];
    instance = await createInstance({ chainId, publicKey });
    console.log("FHE instance created", instance);
    const encryptedVoteFor00001111 = instance.encrypt8(15);

and get the error:

RuntimeError: unreachable
      at null.<anonymous> (wasm://wasm/002d022a:1:590648)
      at null.<anonymous> (wasm://wasm/002d022a:1:672482)
      at null.<anonymous> (wasm://wasm/002d022a:1:654419)
      at null.<anonymous> (wasm://wasm/002d022a:1:294611)
      at Function.encrypt_with_compact_public_key (node_modules/node-tfhe/tfhe.js:4006:18)
      at encrypt8 (node_modules/fhevmjs/lib/node.cjs:63:50)
      at Object.encrypt8 (node_modules/fhevmjs/lib/node.cjs:193:36)
      at Context.<anonymous> (test/keynsianBeautyContest_test.js:39:49)
      at processImmediate (node:internal/timers:478:21)

If you use the INCO’s testnet, you need to use the prerelease of fhevmjs. INCO’s network use the one of our prerelease which is only compatible with fhevmjs v0.4.0-3 Release v0.4.0-3 · zama-ai/fhevmjs · GitHub

Also, for your contract, you need to use fhevm v0.4.0-0 explicitly.

To install these packages:
In your web/node project:

npm install fhevmjs@0.4.0-3

In your hardhat project:

npm install fhevm@0.4.0-0

Note: INCO’s network is probably not compatible with latest prerelease of fhevm AND fhevmjs. Try to keep on the version mentioned above.

Note2: We plan to release everything at the end of the month, and INCO’s will probably also update their testnet during this period.

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Thanks, now it works. curious why specifically targeting fhevmjs@0.4.0-3, it’s understandable that fhevmjs is not backward compatible, could you please tell me for any reason why it’s not forward compatible?

Our previous stack relied on tfhe-rs 0.4.x while our newer stack relies on the latest version, 0.5.x. It’s possible to migrate data from 0.4.x to 0.5.x (as mentioned here but you can’t load a public key issued by tfhe-rs 0.4.x into a tfhe-rs 0.5.x instance.

In addition, for my test script

before(async () => {
    const provider = new JsonRpcProvider(``);
    const FHE_LIB_ADDRESS = "0x000000000000000000000000000000000000005d";
    const network = await provider.getNetwork();
    const chainId = +network.chainId.toString();
    const ret = await{
      to: FHE_LIB_ADDRESS,
      data: "0xd9d47bb001",
    const decoded = AbiCoder.defaultAbiCoder().decode(["bytes"], ret);
    const publicKey = decoded[0];
    instance = await createInstance({ chainId, publicKey });
    console.log("FHE instance created", instance);
    keynesianBeautyContest = await{ from: deployer });
    //keynesianBeautyContest = await'0x22cEe6ffECE58f7DE72B424Ac7e1453796dc33F4'); // Passed CONTRACT ADDRESS
    console.log("KeynesianBeautyContest deployed at", keynesianBeautyContest.address);

If I use fhevm@0.4.0-0, the contract deployment will timeout, but if I use fhevm@0.3.0, everything works fine, the reason why I find out this is because when I depploy contract on remix, the deployment is fine, and remix is referencing fhevm@0.3.0.

I keep this record for those who get confused in the future.

Hi there, im using Inco testnet too but im encountering this problem:

Module not found: Can't resolve 'tfhe_bg.wasm'

Import trace for requested module:

Although I tried updating the webpack:

const path = require('path');

module.exports = {
    // entry: './src/index.js',
    // output: {
    //     filename: 'main.js',
    //     path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),
    // },
    // module: {
    //     rules: [
    //         {
    //             test: /\.tsx?$/,
    //             use: 'ts-loader',
    //             exclude: /node_modules/,
    //         },
    //     ],
    // },
    resolve: {
        // extensions: ['.tsx', '.ts', '.js'],
        fallback: {
          'tfhe_bg.wasm': require.resolve('tfhe/tfhe_bg.wasm'),

i still has the error though… any ideas about how to solve it?
the tech stack im using is nextjs w/ node v18.12.1

Sorry I didn’t see your answer @Julie_Shi . You should take a look at our template for nextjs GitHub - zama-ai/fhevmjs-next-template: A template showing how to use NextJs with fhevmjs library