Unable to deploy smart contract through remix


I’m trying to deploy a smart contract through remix IDE by connecting it to metamask. However it seems that remix is unable to recognize Zama network. Whenever I try to deploy the contract my metamask network automatically shifts to Linea Mainnet.

I’m using the following configuration in metamask for zama network:
Network name: Zama Network
Default RPC URL: devnet.zama.ai
Chain ID: 9000
Currency symbol: zama

How can I resolve this issue? Thanks

Are you using the Zama Remix plugin? If it’s the case, the issue is due to a weird browser/Metamask issue. Basically, you need to go on https://remix.zama.ai/, then select Zama network in Metamask.

It’s happening because the provider selected on https://remix.ethereum.org/ could be different from the one selected in the plugin because the plugin is an iframe hosted on a different domain.

No, I’m using remix.ethereum.org.

I select zama network in metamask and for the remix environment I select Injected Provider - Metamask. As soon as i try to deploy the metamask network changes to Linea Mainnet and I get an error for insufficient funds for tranfer.

I’m attaching some screenshots for your reference.

Ok so if I understood correctly:

  • You have the Zama network configured correctly in Metamask
  • You select the Zama network, and injected Provider - Metamask. Therefore, you see Custom (9000) network below the select box. So far, your Metamask is on Zama’s network.
  • You deploy a contract and Metamask will show a popup to accept the deployment but Metamask autoswitched to Linea Network.

That is correct? If not, record a video or details each step. It looks like a very weird issue. Maybe you have another wallet in your browser and Remix is confused?

I think you might be right, remix is either getting confused or unable to detect zama network but I don’t have any other wallet other than metamask. However, I believe metamask is behaving strangely as well. I have 20 ZAMA in my account but it shows 0 Zama on the metamask homepage (screenshots attached). When I look at all the accounts I have, then i can see 20 ZAMA.

I compile the contract on remix and in the deployment tab I select Injected Provider - Metamask. In the account section I see my account address along with currency (0 ether).

When I click on deploy, I get a pop with the error Gas Estimation Failed (insufficient funds for transfer) and I get an option to either “send transaction” or “cancel transaction.”

I click on “send transaction” after which I get a pop up from metamask asking to “Reject” or “Confirm” (screenshot attached). I believe this is where the network is actually switched in metamask.

I’m using metamask version 12.6.2 in google chrome.

I managed to make it work. I am not sure what was causing the problem but I noticed remix wasn’t detecting zama even when it was selected in metamask (it showed “Custom (59144) network”).

So I removed metamask extension from chrome, added it again and that did the trick. I can now deploy my sample smart contract through remix.

Thank you for your help.